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Sci Fi with a Twist: The Mystery of RESET

A young girl named Sofie (Wilma Hedberg) resides with her mother (Cecilia Milocco) on a vast, isolated farm at the turn of the 20th century. To ease Sofie’s loneliness, her mother reads to her letters she receives daily from her beloved absentee father. One fateful day, however, Sofie discovers a shocking secret about her family and farm that will change her reality forever.

RESET is a gripping sci-fi mystery with a mind-bending twist you won’t see coming.

Created by Swedish filmmaking duo Fredrik Akerström and Marcus Kryler, the short is also beautifully acted and gorgeously shot. In fact, the vivid and lush pastoral setting is effectively juxtaposed with the film’s dark and forbidding narrative, creating a churning undercurrent of suspense that pulls you in within the first five minutes.

View RESET (with English subtitles) here on Recursor.TV.

Rod Faulkner, guest sci-fi short film reviewer for Recursor.tvFilm reviewer  Rod T. Faulkner is the founder of, a website dedicated to promoting the best genre web series and short films. He also is the author of 200 Best Online Sci-Fi Short Films, a compilation of exceptional SF&F short films.