Which AI Are You Most Like?
SHARE + Which AI Are You Most Like? Suddenly artificial intelligence is everywhere — helping you shop, beating everyone on Jeopardy! and driving your car (almost). While Alexa and Siri try to figure out your preferences right now, in the future it might be the other way around (assuming we are still here). Take our Voight-Kampff from the perspective of our favorite machine characters to find out which AI you are most like..
SHARE + Which AI Are You Most Like? Suddenly artificial intelligence is everywhere — helping you shop, beating everyone.
Dystopian Quiz
SHARE + A Given recent events, we’ve been thinking a lot about possible dystopian futures. Whether due to totalitarian regimes, environmental disaster, war, technology or economic meltdown, some of the best sci fi movies have reflected scary real world trends. So, inhale deeply and see how many of these movie shots from some of our favorite dystopian films you recognize..
SHARE + A Given recent events, we’ve been thinking a lot about possible dystopian futures. Whether due to totalitarian.