Sci-Fi Spotlight: POLIS
Set in a futuristic dystopia, the sci-fi short thriller POLIS follows the struggle of David Porter, a young telepath in search for his missing mother. His actions threaten to reveal his government’s horrifying secrets. Directed by Steven Ilous and with a screenplay created by Ilous and writer Daniel Perea, POLIS won the New Regency and Defy Media PROTOTYPE competition in January 2015. The prize: a film deal with New Regency Productions. It’s easy to see why POLIS earned recognition. Though short, the film tells an emotional, moving story. Porter’s desperation is clear, as is the.
Set in a futuristic dystopia, the sci-fi short thriller POLIS follows the struggle of David Porter, a young telepath in.
Indie Sci Fi Review: I.R.I.S.
In the disturbing near-future of the sci-fi short film I.R.I.S., anxiety over the rise in terrorism and violence across the world has led the United States and NATO to adopt a revolutionary global surveillance system. The “Integrated Recognition and Internal Surveillance” program (I.R.I.S.) is an artificial intelligence responsible for a network of over 3,000 highly-advanced, weaponized drones The program’s prime directive is to maintain global security using these drones, and intervene whenever violence threatens to disrupt law and order. Unfortunately, something goes very wrong at an I.R.I.S. installation in Greenland. The.
In the disturbing near-future of the sci-fi short film I.R.I.S., anxiety over the rise in terrorism and violence across.
Rising Star: VFX Up-and-Comer Santhosh Koneru
When you talk to someone early in their Hollywood career, it’s exciting to think about where they’ll end up in the future. After all, people like John Dykstra (Star Wars) and Douglas Trumbull (2001, Close Encounters) started out somewhere, right? So has Santhosh Koneru, an up-and-coming filmmaker and VFX artist. We chatted with him about his current projects, as well as what inspires his love for VFX and science fiction. RECURSOR: How did you get started in visual effects work? SANTHOSH: I started my career as a digital matte.
When you talk to someone early in their Hollywood career, it’s exciting to think about where they’ll end up.
Sci-Fi Futures: Talking with Robert J. Sawyer, part 2
If you want to discuss trends in science fiction, who better to ask than a writer steeped in science fiction? We chatted with Hugo, Nebula, and Campbell Memorial award winner, screenwriter, and novelist Robert J. Sawyer (Hominids, FlashForward) about how he researches the science behind his writing, scripting for studios and indie web series, and the upcoming projects he has in the works. (You can find part 1 of his interview here.) RECURSOR: What appeals to you about science as subject matter for fiction? Science comes from scientia, which is.
If you want to discuss trends in science fiction, who better to ask than a writer steeped in science.