Indie Q&A: BLINDSIGHT Filmmaker Danil Krivoruchko
What do you do when you love a critically acclaimed sci-fi novel? If you’re filmmaker Danil Krivoruchko, you find a way to make a short sci-fi film in homage. That’s the feat Danil achieved with BLINDSIGHT—a non-commercial, self-funded project that brings the concept of the novel of the same name by author Peter Wattsto life. The indie sci-fi short BLINDSIGHT focuses on the recollections of crew member Siri Keeton, a transhuman “synthesist” who can read the intentions of others, in the wake of first contact. With gorgeous visuals and music, BLINDSIGHT (the.
What do you do when you love a critically acclaimed sci-fi novel? If you’re filmmaker Danil Krivoruchko, you find.
Fantastic Voyage: Microbots Flip Through Live Colon
Remember that 1966 film FANTASTIC VOYAGE, about a ship of medics that is shrunk down to travel through a human body? Well, we may not be ready to shrink people yet, but mechanical engineers at Purdue University have managed to get microrobot to do flips in a live colon, bringing us one step closer to the Fantastic Voyage style of medical treatment. The rectangular robots are minuscule—just the width of a few human hairs. But they’re capable of some cool gymnastics, flipping end over end and sideways as they’re.
Remember that 1966 film FANTASTIC VOYAGE, about a ship of medics that is shrunk down to travel through a.