Indie Spotlight: Q&A with Filmmaker Andy Sowerby
Filmmaker Andy Sowerby enjoys creating art that balances story-driven narrative with abstract, expressive techniques. The result—films like The Jump, an award-winning short indie sci-fi film that marries NASA footage, photos, and CGI with low-fi techniques to convey an emotional message to its audience about love and loneliness. Sowerby’s films have featured in screenings, exhibitions and film festivals worldwide, including London Short Film Festival, Atlanta Film Festival, and BBC Music Video Festival. Recently, he chatted with about what went into the making of The Jump. How did you get into filmmaking? I.
Filmmaker Andy Sowerby enjoys creating art that balances story-driven narrative with abstract, expressive techniques. The result—films like The Jump, an.
Recursor/TFN Partnership Brings More Sci-Fi to Web
Good news for science fiction fans who want more ways to watch the latest indie sci-fi productions online and on demand — you’re now going to have more ways to do that because Recursor and The Fantasy Network (“TFN”) are joining forces as of today to share more sci-fi and fantasy content on the web. The strategic partnership brings Recursor’s provocative, high-quality science fiction-themed content to The Fantasy Network, where it will complement the rich fantasy content already available on TFN. Fans will enjoy convenient access to creative, entertaining, independently-produced science.
Good news for science fiction fans who want more ways to watch the latest indie sci-fi productions online and.